Change log
TDS color system is based on Tallinn’s visual identity and has been extended with extra shades.
Primary colour​
The primary colour of Tallinn is blue. Shades of blue are mainly used for buttons, links, selection states and for highlighting information.
Blue 10
Blue 20
Blue 30
Blue 40
Primary shade
Blue 60
Blue 70
Blue 80
Blue 90
Usage examples​
Here are just some of the possible usage scenarios for primary colours:
Hover and active states for buttons and links in dark mode
As a primary colour, Blue 50 can be used wherever you need to add Tallinn’s identity to an interface (for example, as a background colour for website header, banners, etc). Try not to use it on very large surfaces (more than 1/3 of the screen) though as it is quite intense. Other usage scenarios may include indicating selected state in components, informational feedback, etc.
Buttons and links in light mode
Hover and active states for buttons and links in light mode
Secondary colours​
Secondary colors - green, red, yellow and their shades - are mainly used for indicating status and for decorative purposes.
Green 10
#E6F5E7Green 20
#CDEAD1Green 30
#9FDAA8Green 40
#6DBB77Green 50
Green 60
#07692CGreen 70
#055624Green 80
#013C18Green 90
#012810Red 10
#FEE8E7Red 20
#FED9D8Red 30
#FCB3B0Red 40
#F97A76Red 50
Red 60
#B10612Red 70
#89050ERed 80
#63030ARed 90
#40070CYellow 10
#FFF7D6Yellow 20
#FBEDB1Yellow 30
#F8E38CYellow 40
#F6DB6FYellow 50
Yellow 60
#DEAB02Yellow 70
#B87A00Yellow 80
#664100Yellow 90
#331F00Usage examples​
Here are just some of the possible usage scenarios for secondary colours:
Backgrounds for positive and negative notifications in light mode
Destructive buttons, form validation errors in dark mode
Destructive buttons, form validation errors in light mode
Backgrounds for positive and negative notifications in dark mode
Neutral colours​
Neutral palette is primarily used for text, borders and backgrounds.
Neutral 10
Neutral 20
Neutral 30
Neutral 40
Neutral 50
Neutral 60
Neutral 70
Neutral 80
Neutral 90
Neutral 0 (white)
Neutral 100 (black)
Usage examples​
Note that full black (#000) is not used for backgrounds and textual content as it would create uncomfortably strong contrast.
Semantic usage vs decorative usage​
Colors can be used semantically to indicate actions, status, etc. and also decoratively as in illustrations, infographics and some UI elements.