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Text Input
- Overview
- Usage
When to use
Use the text input component when you need to let users enter text that’s no longer than a single line, such as their name or email address.
When not to use
Do not use the text input component if you need to let users enter longer answers that might span multiple lines. In this case, you should use the textarea component.
Text inputs should always have labels, and in most cases the label should be visible.
Do not use placeholder text in place of a label, or for hints or examples, as:
- it vanishes when the user starts typing, which can cause problems for users with memory conditions or when reviewing answers
- not all screen readers read it out
- its browser default styles often do not meet minimum contrast requirements
Help users understand what they should enter by making text inputs the right size for the content they’re intended for.
Regular size should be used in most cases. Compact size can be used in very dense interfaces or large data tables.
Regular size
Compact size